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    Talent Casting

    Talent Casting

    Casting can be key to producing a track that’s out of the ordinary. With extensive experience in casting and talent direction, we can help you find the right voice for your next project. From the traditional VO to the “person on the street”. Looking for a comedian, celebrity, or want to find that “fresh” new voice or unique delivery. Let us expand your options.

    Local, National and International voices, nothing is too far away these days. Whether it’s sending a voice from our Voice Over Studios across the world into your studio via source connect or linking up to bring that voice into our Melbourne studios, we can organize it all. Once completed we can upload your voice over recording so your working with the highest quality audio for the final product.

    Our engineers are also voice directors working with you and the talent to get the best possible result.

    We can handle all your voice over casting to talent payments and permits and everything in between.

    • Local and International Voices
    • Actors
    • Voice Over Recording
    • Talent Agencies
    • Recording & Production of talent demos
    • Internal Auditions and talent database

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